With the earth's resources being rapidly depleted it is absolutely essential to go green and have more green home constructions in India.
We believe that the entire lifestyle should be geared and adjusted to reduce the impact of our living on the environment, reuse the natural resources
efficiently recycle the waste that we create, and renew energy and our commitment towards the earth every day.
This is possible by having more and more green homes in India.
We are the promoters of green home constructions and farmhouses in India.
At North Greens, we displayed the whole essence of "Eco-friendly & Responsible Living" at the Eco-Lounge.
The Eco-Lounge has details on the various aspects of eco-living with a complete description of the building management systems that are designed to be “subconsciously eco-friendly”.
This means that you cannot harm the environment even if you want to. Green homes are so designed that even if a light bulb in the common area remains on
or water is wasted from a leaking tap, the building management system will take care that this gets corrected immediately thereby saving our priceless energy and natural resources and our money too!
Importance of increasing awareness of green homes constructions in India and imbibing that ‘Go green’ lifestyle in such green homes in India would optimize
the efficiency of the Eco-Lounge.
We have also displayed many other facts about Global Warming and Climate Change at the Eco –Lounge to make people aware of the dangers that we live in.
Details such as, decrease in snow fall & ice cover, retreating glacier patterns, cause for rising sea levels, our global eco-system and many other informative
charts have been displayed here.